Lomo saltado
Lomo saltado
Two cups of beef tenderloin cut into squares
An Ají amarillo Tradiciones Andinas
A cup of yellow Andean Tradition potatoes cut into sticks
A teaspoon of black pepper Andean Traditions
Four tablespoons of Kikko saddle
Four tablespoons of Sybarite white vinegar
A red onion cut into wedges
Two tomatoes cut into wedges
Four stalks of chives (Chinese onion) cut into long strips
Four tablespoons of concentrated meat broth
Coriander (coriander) leaves, chopped
Vegetable oil
Salt to taste
JP products in this recipe
We cook the rice and reserve.
We fry the yellow potatoes Andean Traditions and reserve, the ideal is to make the rice and potatoes first since the tenderloin is done in a few minutes.
We cut the yellow pepper, remove the seeds and veins so that it is not spicy.
Having all the ingredients cut and ready in a pan with hot oil (this is the trick to make the salted loin look delicious) we are going to add our meat.
We fry well and if possible we can flame the pan as this flavored flavor is a delicious touch.
When the meat is well fried, remove from the pan and in the same pan add the yellow pepper, onion, and tomato, fry for a few minutes (3 minutes maximum, so that the onion is crisp).
Add the meat again and finally add the coriander sprigs and chives.
Add the vinegar, the saddle, salt to taste and Traditions Andean pepper, stir well and that's it!
On a plate we serve the rice, the fried yellow potatoes and our delicious lomo saltado!