Corn muffins
Corn muffins
Two cans of sweet corn Tradiciones Andinas
A can of milk cream
A can of condensed milk
A liter of milk
A cup and a half of flour Blanca Flor
Two tablespoons of baking powder Universal
Two tablespoons of butter
Three eggs
A cup of sugar Akenton
JP products in this recipe
In the blender or food processor add the two cans of sweet corn Tradiciones Andinas previously drained and liquefy very well until obtaining a homogeneous mixture.
Add all the other ingredients while continuing to liquefy or process, this will be much easier.
Bake in individual trays at 482 degrees Fahrenheit for 20 minutes, after the time to rectify that it is well cooked, insert a wooden stick and if it comes out clean it is already done.
Let stand and serve.