Chipped noodles



Half Pack of The Conqueror Thin Noodles
Two tablespoons of Andean panca chili paste
A yellow chili Andean traditions cut into strips
A cup of minced pork
El Conquistador olive oil to taste
A cup of water or meat broth
Half a cup of sybaritic red vinegar
Three tablespoons of Sillao
Sesame Traditions Andean to taste
Salt to taste
Black pepper Andean Traditions to taste



The first thing to do is cook the noodles in a large pot with enough water and salt to taste.



In a large non-stick frying pan with little El Conquistador olive oil, we fry our pork previously cut with the Tradiciones Andinas black pepper and salt to taste.
When the meat is already fried but still juicy, add the Traditions Andean panca chili and the Traditions Andean yellow chili cut, stir well and add the water or broth we do have.



Then we add the Sillao and the Sibarita vinegar, we mix very well integrating everything.
When our noodles are ready, drain the water and add to the pan with the meat.



We mix very well so that everything is well integrated and add the Tradiciones Andinas sesame seed.
And ready! We serve hot and enjoy this delicious dish.


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