How delicious a dessert would be right now! It is one of the most frequent thoughts we usually have on a daily basis, usually in the afternoon, especially after lunch, but generally it only remains in a simple desire, for reasons of money, or because we want to take care of our figure, and it is Yes, it is true, those “dessertitos” that we love so much are also usually responsible for having a few “extra kilos”, however, something that is not generally talked about, is that there are also many more dessert options healthy of those that we can easily find in any store, and that we can make them ourselves, so here we will teach you to make 3 delicious easy and healthy desserts that will allow you to give you that taste that you so long for, without having to worry about how much damage you can Be doing to your body by eating it.



Chocolate ice cream is one of the most popular desserts in the world, because besides being creamy and delicious it is refreshing, ideal for a hot day, or basically for any time, with this preparation you can make homemade and healthy this magnificent dessert without worrying about how many calories or saturated fats you are consuming. To make this simple recipe you will only need:

4 frozen bananas, 3 spoons of cocoa without sugar, half a cup of almond or coconut milk, and some natural sweetener such as stevia or some honey. For its preparation, simply mix all the ingredients in the blender and press "start", after liquefying all the ingredients, pour them in a container and keep for at least 3 hours in the freezer, and ready, to enjoy !.



This is one of the healthiest recipes you can choose due to the great benefits of chia, and it is also one of the easiest to make, because you only need: 5 tablespoons of chia seeds, half a cup of coconut water or of almond milk, half a cup of natural water, and the companions that you want your pudding to have as nuts or red fruits, for its realization simply soak the seeds in the natural water and coconut or almond milk, and refrigerate at minus 2 hours, then add all the accompaniments you want such as nuts, raisins or red fruits and enjoy your delicious dessert, if you want to sweeten it a little, simply add honey to taste.



Undoubtedly of all this is the simplest preparation, because you only need the amount of apples you want to eat, and if you want to add something else, just some honey and nuts, just cut the apple into slices and put them on individually in a tray, leave it in the oven at 120 degrees for 5 minutes and go! Now, if you want to enjoy them with something else, just add some honey and sprinkle with cinnamon, add nuts to taste.

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