Strawberry, also known as strawberry, is undoubtedly the most popular fruit around the world, for its exquisite sweet taste, slightly acidic, for its aroma and visually for its beauty, strawberry is the fruit of a type of crawling plants grown throughout the world, and are quite popular in gastronomy, special for the preparation of pastries, ice cream, jams, juices and smoothies, in addition to several sweet salads, but there is no better way to eat them than alone, natural clean, or with a little sweetened milk cream, surely the favorite of many.

The strawberry, also known as strawberry, is undoubtedly the most popular fruit
around the world, for its exquisite sweet taste, slightly acidic, for
its aroma and visually for its beauty, the strawberry is the fruit of a type of plants
creepers grown all over the world, and are quite popular in the
gastronomy, special for making pastries, ice cream parlors,
jams, juices, and smoothies, plus various sweet salads, but no
better way to eat them than on their own, cleaned naturally, or with a little sweetened milk cream, surely the favorite of many.

Strawberry is also one of the most used foods in all types of diets,
this due to its wonderful properties, as it has high fiber content,
which is ideal to prevent and cure some diseases or symptoms of origin
gastric such as constipation, in fact in some cases you may have a
laxative effect, depending on what it is mixed with or the amount
consume, in addition, it has multiple vitamins such as E, for which we
helps to keep the skin hydrated and beautiful, complex B, K, and above all contains

high doses of vitamin C, with which we strengthen our immune system
thus preventing flu and colds, improves the quality of red blood cells,
strengthens our bones and favors the absorption of iron, thus avoiding the
anemia, in addition to having antioxidant effects, also has multiple proteins
and minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium,
sodium and zinc, thus being one of the most complete fruits when it comes to providing
benefits to our body, therefore it is highly recommended to have it in our
diet, and in that of people with different diseases such as hypertension, since
Due to its high potassium content, it helps to regulate it, diabetes, as it does not contain
sugars that can affect these people, and anemia, however remember
It is not a substitute for any medicine recommended by doctors.

We already know some of the wonderful benefits of strawberries, however
like everything in life, unfortunately they are not a perfect food and could
become harmful in many cases, as it is in people with allergies to
these, people with a delicate intestine, as it could cause certain
irritations; and always remember, if you are going to consume strawberries always remember
wash and disinfect them very well, since most of them have a
species of mites that could cause a lot of damage to your health, are
recommends first washing your hands very well, rinsing them with soap and water,
then immerse them in water with 3 drops of chlorine for approximately 10
minutes, rinse them again with soap and water and finally pass them through a
little boiled water and voila, enjoy, sometimes it can give us a little laziness
all this process, but always remember, it is for your health.

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